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How to Choose the Best Muscle Relaxant for Your Needs

How to Choose the Best Muscle Relaxant for Your Needs

Suffering from muscle pain is common these days. This can be because of any issues or a bad lifestyle. You must read this blog to know more about the problem and the best cure.

What is a Muscle Relaxant?

Muscle relaxants are prescription-based drugs that function by impairing muscle function. Physicians prescribe them to treat situations like spasticity, muscle spasms, and musculoskeletal pain.

Muscle relaxants fall into two major drug classes: antispasmodics and antispasmodics. Both classes work differently and have different side effects. To better understand the topic, we will focus on the skeletal muscles (muscles that help in movement).

A muscle relaxant, also referred to as a muscle relaxer, is a type of medication that reduces the function of skeletal muscles. It is commonly used in rehabilitation settings to manage increased muscle tone or spasticity. In some cases, it is also used in combination with exercises for children with cerebral palsy (CP). Additionally, muscle relaxants are applied to populations suffering from stroke. They may be prescribed as an additional treatment for musculoskeletal pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, and myofascial pain syndrome.

How Muscle Relaxants Work

Muscle relaxants work by affecting the central nervous system (CNS), reducing muscle tension, and helping alleviate pain. The relaxants either act on the brain and spinal cord (central muscle relaxants) or directly on the muscles (peripheral muscle relaxants) and provide a soothing effect to the body. Central muscle relaxants depress the CNS, reducing muscle spasms, while peripheral muscle relaxants interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles.

As discussed earlier, muscle relaxers work differently depending on the brand. Most muscle relaxers function by depressing the central nervous system, resulting in a sedative effect or by blocking the transmission of pain signals from the nerves to the brain.

Antispasmodic medications generally target the spinal cord or skeletal muscles to reduce muscle tightness and involuntary spasms. Antispasmodics work by altering the central nervous system to decrease muscle spasms

Benefits of Using Muscle Relaxants

Before using any medicine, a question generally comes to mind: what are the benefits of using this drug, and what side effects/risks can it cause?

Antispaastic drugs are generally effective in managing spasticity, but If you are someone who takes higher doses, it can cause some unwanted effects on your body. Here are some possible benefits of using muscle relaxants as a part of your treatment.

Pain Relief: If you take muscle relaxants, it will help you by reducing the pain that comes with the muscle spasms and spasticity.

Improved Mobility: This medicine works by relaxing the muscles, which helps you move and provides flexibility.

Enhanced Rehabilitation: Muscle relaxants generally improve the effectiveness of physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises.

Relief from Chronic Pain: Some muscle situations like fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome are easily treated with a comprehensive treatment plan.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Muscle Relaxant

There are some factors that are very useful to check and know before choosing a muscle relaxant. Selecting a muscle relaxer is dependent on the cause of the pain. Also, factors like the safety of the medicine, effectiveness, and side effects play an essential role in selecting the medicine.

Type of muscle pain:

Before selecting your medicine, you must know what kind of pain you are suffering from, like whether you have muscle spasms ( a sudden involuntary contraction of muscles) or spasticity ( an increased muscle tone that leads to stiffness and difficulty in movement)

Medical history:

Your physician must know about your medical history. This will help them to choose the best medicine suitable for their condition. Some muscle relaxants are pre-existing, like liver disease, heart illness, kidney disease or respiratory disease. According to your past medical records, your physician can identify if you have any allergies or other issues or not.

Side effects:

No drug is made that does not show the side effects. Yes, you heard right. The muscle relaxants also show some side effects that are:

  1. Central nervous system effects: Because of this, the person may suffer from dizziness, drowsiness, or sedation. It generally affects one’s day-to-day life.
  2. Gastrointestinal effects: These include problems like vomiting, nausea, and constipation.
  3. Dependency and withdrawal: Some of the muscle relaxants, mainly benzodiazepines, lead to dependency and withdrawal signs if you use them for a longer period.

Drug interactions:

There can be some drug interactions that can occur if you are not careful while selecting the medicine. Muscle relaxants can interact with other prescriptions, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and opioid painkillers. Even non-prescription drugs like antihistamines or sleep aids can interact with muscle relaxants. Also, herbal supplements and vitamins can affect how muscle relaxants work. So, you must be careful when selecting medicine.

Duration of the treatment:

We know that medicines are used as needed, or they can be prescribed for the short term or for the long term. You must understand that the medicine you are using for the treatment is suggested for what period as it will lessen the change of misuse and dependence. Some medicines are used for short times, like for acute conditions; drugs like Cyclobenzaprine or Methocarbamol are prescribed for a limited period. Also, situations like spasticity in multiple sclerosis need to be treated for a longer time for better results.

Dosage and Administration:

Selecting the appropriate dose is important for a better cure. You must check the frequency.
(for how many time in a day a pill should be taken) or the formulation that muscle relaxants are available in various forms, and your physician must choose the best and acceptable one for you. This will save you from overdosing or other dangerous effect of the medicine.

Patient age and general health:

Age plays a vital role in the selection of medicine. We know that elderly people can easily suffer from side effects, and physicians do not recommend muscle relaxants for children. So, before selecting any medicine, it is important to consult with an expert.

Lifestyle and daily activities:

Your job and activities are equally important factors that will help you decide the medicine for your illness. Muscle relaxants sometimes cause drowsiness, which creates complications during working hours. Also, operating machinery is not a good option.

Cost and insurance coverage:

The cost of medication and whether it is covered by your insurance plan can be a deciding factor. The generic versions of muscle relaxants are often cheaper and equally effective than the brand ones. Also, you can check your insurance plan to know which plan is better and cheaper for you.

Physicians recommendation:

Your healthcare expert always guides you to the best. They suggest the medicine based on several factors and after close monitoring. You must listen to them for the best suggestions and guidance.

Types of Muscle Relaxants: Prescription vs. Over-the-Counter

Muscle relaxers are divided according to their ability to cure stiffness, spasms and sometimes both.

Antispastic drugs: This class of medicine works by reducing the tightness in the muscle by the action of various mechanisms occurring in the brain.

Antispasmodic drugs: These drugs prevent the sudden or unintentional tightening of muscles (such as sudden movements, twitches, or muscle pain) that lead to spasms.

The two drugs, diazepam and tizanidine, have both properties.

Over-the-counter medicine

These drugs can easily be purchased at your local stores or at the convenience store. They are non-prescription medicines, but they are effective during treatment.

Common Side Effects and Risks of Muscle Relaxants

Each muscle relaxant has different side effects. If you develop any during treatment, it is essential to talk with your physician.

Common side effects of muscle relaxants typically include:

  • Feeling drowsy and fatigued
  • Experiencing dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth
  • Alterations in awareness
  • Perceptual distortions
  • Convulsions
  • Breathing suppression
  • Heart failure.

If you see any of them during the treatment, then please consult with an expert and get a safe treatment.

Tips for Safely Using Muscle Relaxants

Proper use of muscle relaxants can effectively help you relieve pain. While using them, it is important to avoid alcohol and operating heavy machinery until you understand how your body reacts to the medication. It is unsafe to use muscle relaxants without sticking to the instructions on the prescription label. Long-term use can result in physical dependence issues, which is why they are typically prescribed for short-term relief of muscle spasms.

Also, you must consult with an expert if you are pregnant and using the medicine or if you are a breastfeeding mother. It is important that you discuss your past medical records with your physician for better guidance.

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