Quick Overview
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a medical health condition that includes difficulty paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors. People with ADHD face trouble paying attention to a single task or sitting still for more extended periods. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) diagnosis, both children and adults are at risk of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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What are the types of ADHD?
Predominantly Inattentive: People with such type of ADHD have more symptoms of inattention than others. The most common symptom of predominantly inattentiveness may be seen as a lack of focus and attention.
People who experience this behavior often:
- Process information more slowly than others;
- Easily distracted and got bored quickly;
- Have difficulty in following instructions;
- Have trouble focusing on finishing tasks.
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type: Patients of hyperactive type ADHD show symptoms like hyperactivity as well as impulsive behavior.
The symptoms include:
- Fidgeting
- Trouble is waiting for their turn
- Difficulty in sitting still
- Interrupting conversations
Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive type: Individuals with a combined form of ADHD experience both inattentive and hyperactive symptoms. People who have connected ADHD show six or more symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
The symptoms include:
- Difficulty in paying attention
- Becoming confused easily
- Impulsiveness
- Inability to pay attention
What are the common ADHD symptoms in adults?
Common symptoms of ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder include:
- Lack of focus: ADHD patients may have trouble focusing and concentrating on their tasks. They get distracted more quickly and easily and find it hard to listen and understand others in a conversation. They also have difficulty completing tasks or projects.
- Hyperfocus: Hyperfocus means focusing attention on an object for a long duration. In other words, when someone concentrates on something so hard that he becomes unaware of anything else happening around him. People with severe ADHD are often easily distracted because they have hyper-focus.
- Impulsivity: People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may display impulsive behavior. It includes interrupting other people during a task or conversation, acting without thinking about the consequences, rushing through tasks, etc.
- Forgetfulness: It is not very dangerous to forget things occasionally, but individuals with ADHD can forget things more often.
- Restlessness: Anxiety or restlessness is the most common symptom of ADHD. It includes finding it challenging to sit, moving around frequently, tapping hands or feet, etc.
What are the causes of ADHD?
According to research, it is a genetic disorder. However, certain other factors like environment, diet, and mental health can also cause it. Some primary causes of ADHD are;
- Brain injury: Mental trauma is a big reason behind ADHD. Most children with brain injuries show symptoms similar to ADHD.
- Genetics: Much evidence suggests that ADHD is genetic- passed down from parents. Experts believe that inherited genes can be a huge factor in the development of this condition.
- Prenatal alcohol or tobacco exposure: An exposure to alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy can also cause ADHD in the baby. According to medical research, children exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy are MORE likely to have ADHD than those who are not.
- Toxins: Toxins in the surrounding can also be the reason behind ADHD in rare cases. Lead is toxic that can affect the brain tissue and behavior of children exposed to these substances early.
- Low birth weight: Newborn babies with low weight are more likely to have cognitive disorders and an increased risk of ADHD.
What are some myths about ADHD?
Many myths and misconceptions are in the air related to ADHD. Common ADHD myths are;
- ADHD is over-diagnosed: People believe that ADHD is over diagnosed because children’s behavioral problems may have other possible reasons. The child doesn’t need to be suffering from ADHD. However, several studies have shown that ADHD may be underdiagnosed in cases where the symptoms are minor or less noticeable.
- Poor parenting: One of the most common myths about this disorder is poor parental discipline. In contrast, ADHD is a mental illness and has nothing to do with parenting style.
- Only children can have ADHD: The symptoms of ADHD must be present from childhood to meet the diagnosis criteria, but many people may not get diagnosed until adulthood. They may continue to have significant symptoms as they grow up, which can cause problems in their daily life.
- People with ADHD can’t focus at all: It’s a common belief that children or adults who have ADHD can’t concentrate on an activity. However, it is not the complete truth. It is difficult for ADHD patients to regulate their attention rather than be unable to pay attention. Still, they can get absorbed in activities that attract them.
- On the other hand, medicines like amphetamine or dextroamphetamine can help patients pay attention as efficiently as ordinary people. The combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine is the perfect choice to treat ADHD. You can buy Adderall online as a combo of these two drugs.
Facts about ADHD
Some of the ADHD facts are as follows:
- ADHD symptoms typically appear from the ages of 3 years to 6 years.
- ADHD is not just a childhood concern. About 4% of American adults over the age of 18 also have ADHD.
- Research shows that boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls.
- The age of seven is the most common, and average age of being diagnosed with ADHD.
What treatments are available for ADHD?
Finding the right ADHD treatment is crucial to prevent the symptoms of such psychological disorders. The treatment for ADHD is possible by taking behavioral therapy and relevant drugs. It depends upon the condition of an individual which treatment will work best for him.
- Behavioral therapy: ADHD patients often show behaviors that can be disruptive and annoying to others. Behavior therapy is a way that can help in reducing such behaviors. One can start behavioral therapy immediately after the diagnosis of the condition. The primary goal of behavioral therapy is to strengthen positive behaviors and to get rid of disruptive habits.
- Medications: According to a medical search, about two-thirds of adults who have ADHD have shown significant improvements in their symptoms after taking anti-ADHD medicines. Adderall is the most widely used ADHD medicine. Here, we help you buy
Adderall online very quickly with or without a prescription.
Some of the ADHD medications include:
- Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Adderall, Adderall XR)
- Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)
- Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin)
- Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)
- Methylphenidate (Concerta, Metadate, Methylin)
ADHD and Anxiety; How do they co-relate?
ADHD and anxiety are both different health disorders, but they occur as a package of buy one get one free in some cases. This means, sometimes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can lead to anxiety symptoms. According to medical experts, about half of adults with ADHD also experience mild symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can worsen your ADHD symptoms like feeling restlessness and trouble concentrating if not treated on time.
For more information associated with the treatment of ADHD or a relationship between ADHD and anxiety, please drop a comment. We will be back soon with a new blog on the same.
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